Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Macaron Love

Ah, the macaron...I first tasted this delicious delicate cookie while strolling the streets of Paris and coming apon a beautiful display of the cookies in a window. Of course not knowing that I walked into the worlds most world renowned Ladurée! That first bite was so overwhelming it was so moist, sweet, and melted in my mouth. Ever since then i've been on the search for that same experience and flavor. Don't get me wrong, there are a few places here in Los Angeles (Bottega Louie & Sweets for the Soul) that have  pretty good macarons but none compare to the ones in Paris.

So I decided that I want to learn how to make these delicate delicious cookies. I would like to get my hands on the book Les Petits Macarons: Colorful French Confections to Make at Home and a few proper pastry bags. Have any of you out there attempted to make macarons? If so how was the experience for you?