Daily I click over to Hip Paris Blog to see what amazing things they find in Paris. Today they had a post "I know I'm in Paris when..." and it made me think over the best parts of paris i miss. It hasn't been a year yet since i've been there but it feels like eternity. i remember looking out of the plane window as i was landing in paris and seeing the city sprawled with buildings and in the middle there was the Eiffel tower calling to me to visit.

If you ever go to Paris and staying for a week or longer you should just rent a apartment, then you truly emerse yourself into the culture of the city. My husband and i were very lucky to find an adorable apartment for a great price over in the 14 arrondissement which was near the metro, monoprix and a boulangerie. We bought our fresh bread every morning to go with our breakfast and for our lunch. lunch was always a fresh baguette with emmental cheese and ham with a bag of monoprix chip bag that we would eat in a little park we would find while we were out. every afternoon we would find a cafe to sit at and have an espresso with a dessert trying to figure out what to do next, and dinner most of the time was what i made in our little rental kitchen.
our first meal in paris

our apartment

espresso time!

miss their au lattes

i could eat these every night

our last night we ate at a restaurant that we would pass by on our way to the metro that was just AMAZING! i ate and ate and ate till i felt ill, it was all delish.
i miss paris so much, every time i see someone win a trip or talk about how they are going i'm not going to lie i get jealous. they get to go to my favorite place in the world and i don't know when i'll be able to visit again. One day i will make my way back....one day.

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